Monday, February 23, 2015

Ahmad bin Hanbal (Rahimahullah):

'Ahmad bin Hanbal (Rahimahullah): 
Seventy Tabi'un, the Imams of the Muslims and the scholars of the world are in agreement about not revolting against the ruler even if he were to be unjust. This is Sunnah. Stick to it and you will be saved.

Source: Manaqib Ahmad, p. 242,

For more knowledge, please read :

Is tyranny of the ruler the reason for rebellion?'

Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal (died 241H) was beaten and jailed by four consecutive kings. Despite that, he viewed revolt to be unlawful against those who violated the Islamic belief and punished him for not agreeing with them. Hanbal bin Ishāq said:
“During the rule of Wāthiq, the jurists of Baghdad gathered in front of Ahmad bin Hanbal. They included Abu Bakr bin Ubaid, Ibrāhīm bin Alī al-Matbakhī and Fadl bin Āsim. So they came to Ahmad bin Hanbal so I gave them permission. They said to him, ‘This affair (i.e. the inquisition) has become aggravated and elevated.’ They were referring to the ruler making manifest the issue of the Qurān being created and other than that. So Ahmad bin Hanbal said to them, ‘So what is it that you want?’ They said: ‘We want you to join us in saying that we are not pleased with his rule and leadership.’ So Ahmad bin Hanbal debated with them for an hour and he said to them: ‘Keep opposing [the false belief itself] with your statements but do not remove your hands from obedience and do not encourage the Muslims to rebel and do not spill your blood and the blood of the Muslims along with you. Look to the results of your actions. And remain patient until you are content with a righteous or sinful rule.’”

Ahmad bin Hanbal (Rahimahullah):
Seventy Tabi'un, the Imams of the Muslims and the scholars of the world are in agreement about not revolting against the ruler even if he were to be unjust. This is Sunnah. Stick to it and you will be saved.
Source: Manaqib Ahmad, p. 242,
For more knowledge, please read :
Is tyranny of the ruler the reason for rebellion?

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