Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Different names of Glorious Quran.(Part 9)

'Different names of Glorious Quran.(Part 9)

The below names can be found for Glorious Quran in the verses of Glorious Quran.

41. ‘Adl -Justice ((6:115)) 
42. AmrAllāh -The Commandment of Allāh ((65:5)) 
43. Munādī- Inviter to faith ((3:193)) 
44. Bushrā- Glad tidings ((2:97)) (16:102) (27:2) (46:12) 
45. Majīd- Glorious (50:1)((85:21-22)) 

Jazak Allah Khair,
To be continued In Sha Allah......'

Different names of Glorious Quran.(Part 9)
The below names can be found for Glorious Quran in the verses of Glorious Quran.
41. ‘Adl -Justice ((6:115)) 
42. AmrAllāh -The Commandment of Allāh ((65:5))
43. Munādī- Inviter to faith ((3:193))
44. Bushrā- Glad tidings ((2:97)) (16:102) (27:2) (46:12)
45. Majīd- Glorious (50:1)((85:21-22))
Jazak Allah Khair,

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