Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Aathaar of the Salaf on Knowledge & it's importance...

'‎Aathaar of the Salaf on Knowledge & it's importance...

Author: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (رحمه الله تعالى)
Source: Fadl Ilm us-Salaf

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (رضي الله عنه) : Learn, so when you have learnt , then act (upon what you have learnt.

Az-Zuhree (رحمه الله) : The action of one who acts and does not know will not be trusted by the people and the people will not be happy with the saying of an 'Aalim who does not act.

Sahl ibn 'Abdullah al-Fustaani ( رحمه الله) : All the people are intoxicated except the scholars and all the scholars are confused except whoever acts according to his knowledge.

Sahl ibn 'Abdullah al-Fustaani (رحمه الله) : The world is foolishness and barren except the knowledge and all of knowledge is a proof against him except what is acted upon and all action is useless except with sincerity and sincerity is in great danger until sealed by it (the action)

Maalik ibn Dinar (رحمه الله): When a servant seeks knowledge for practise, his knowledge humbles him and when he seeks it for other than that it increases him in immorality and pride by it.

Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) : The example of knowledge which is not acted upon is like wealth from which nothing is spent in the way of Allah Azzawajal.

Abu Darda (رضي الله عنه): I am not afraid that it will be said to me: "Oh Aamir what have you learned?", but I am more concerned that it will be said to me: "Oh Aamir, what have you done with what you have learned!"

Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (رحمه الله): Whoever does not consider speech to be part of his ac~on will sin abundantly and whoever acts without knowledge will do more harm than good.

Ata (رضي الله عنه) reported : There was a youth who used to come to the Mother of the Believers (radiallahu-anha) from time to time and ask her and she would narrate to him. So one day he came to her and asked her, so she said: "Oh my son, have you acted yet upon what you have heard from me?" So he said: "No by Allah, Oh my mother ", so she said : " Oh my son, then why do you seek increase in Allah's proof against us and against you."‎'

Aathaar of the Salaf on Knowledge & it's importance...
Author: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (رحمه الله تعالى)
Source: Fadl Ilm us-Salaf
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (رضي الله عنه) : Learn, so when you have learnt , then act (upon what you have learnt.
Az-Zuhree (رحمه الله) : The action of one who acts and does not know will not be trusted by the people and the people will not be happy with the saying of an 'Aalim who does not act.
Sahl ibn 'Abdullah al-Fustaani ( رحمه الله) : All the people are intoxicated except the scholars and all the scholars are confused except whoever acts according to his knowledge.
Sahl ibn 'Abdullah al-Fustaani (رحمه الله) : The world is foolishness and barren except the knowledge and all of knowledge is a proof against him except what is acted upon and all action is useless except with sincerity and sincerity is in great danger until sealed by it (the action)
Maalik ibn Dinar (رحمه الله): When a servant seeks knowledge for practise, his knowledge humbles him and when he seeks it for other than that it increases him in immorality and pride by it.
Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) : The example of knowledge which is not acted upon is like wealth from which nothing is spent in the way of Allah Azzawajal.
Abu Darda (رضي الله عنه): I am not afraid that it will be said to me: "Oh Aamir what have you learned?", but I am more concerned that it will be said to me: "Oh Aamir, what have you done with what you have learned!"
Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (رحمه الله): Whoever does not consider speech to be part of his ac~on will sin abundantly and whoever acts without knowledge will do more harm than good.
Ata (رضي الله عنه) reported : There was a youth who used to come to the Mother of the Believers (radiallahu-anha) from time to time and ask her and she would narrate to him. So one day he came to her and asked her, so she said: "Oh my son, have you acted yet upon what you have heard from me?" So he said: "No by Allah, Oh my mother ", so she said : " Oh my son, then why do you seek increase in Allah's proof against us and against you."

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