Thursday, March 5, 2015


“Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.” — Protocol of elders of Zion – 1, para 15
“Now (the tribe of) Ad walked arrogantly on earth, [offending] against all right, and saying, “Who could have a power greater than ours?” Why—were they, then, not aware that God, Who created them, had a power greater than theirs? But they went on rejecting Our Signs.” —Qur’an, 41: 15
As the evil nature of the Zionist Jewry’s propaganda and pursuits became clearer to me, very soon I began a quest to find out what exactly was it aiming to achieve and what its resources and strategies were? By extensive and critical study of all types of world affairs and events (and no doubt with divine help), I was able to discover much of the answer by 1973. Until then I had not even heard about The Zionist Protocols, or The International Jew or Pawns in the Game!
A couple of years later when I came across the Protocols, I was astonished, and fascinated. Most of what the Zionist Elders had specified in the Protocols as their final goals and revealed of their resources, instruments and methodologies, and their own nature, was almost exactly what I had already discovered by my own research and analysis!
It is, however, the Holy Qur’an that unfolded to my quest, and continues to unfold, the darkest secrets of the Zionist Jewry. And it taught me how to decipher the code the Zinjry uses in camouflaging its aims, schemes and machinations, and in misleading the people.
The goals, resources and strategies of Zinjry are a vast subject. All the elements in these three areas should really be explained with examples from current developments, but that is not possible in this work. So, I shall describe these only briefly. This data is still very valuable in order to fully realize the Zinjry’s dreadful threats and to correctly respond to them.
Zinjry’s Goals—Against All Nations
When Zinjry’s well-tested, programmed puppet Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990 and cleared the way for the US forces to occupy the Gulf States, the noise of a New World Order (NWO) rose in the Media. Many leaders and intellectuals wrote and spoke about it, but they were far off the mark. They had no idea that the NWO was a plot of World Zionism and not of America; they could not even imagine that the United States itself was to be a victim of the NWO!
To explain what it really meant, and to warn the people, I wrote a thesis, The Plot Called The New World Order and How to Counter it, in September-October 1991. It was published in the weekly Facts on 14 January 1992, and later formed part of my book, The Global Game For A New World Order. I explained that the so-called NWO was in fact the set of the Zionist Jewry’s long-held Goals that it felt could now be enforced all over the world. I identified these goals.
The Zinjry keeps expanding its goals. To the discerning mind its ambitions are uncovered by its own unfolding Game. The successful launching of its scheme of Mega-Terrorism on 11 September 2001 has disclosed many of its aims and intentions that were previously hidden, which I shall highlight later.
At this stage it is best to present the Goals referred to above. They are reproduced here exactly as published in the Facts in 1992. Additions can be made to the list, but nothing can be deleted from it. Two instructive paragraphs, one preceding and the other following the list of goals, as in the original writing, are also included. Extracts from:
The Nature of the New World Order: The so-called NWO is not at all an American concept or scheme. It is a long thought-out project of the Zionist Jewry to change the shape of the world in all spheres of life, political, economic, military, social, cultural, moral and ideological, in order to complete and secure its control over the world. The force of Islam is the only remaining obstacle in the way of the Zionist Jewry. Therefore its leading aim is to crush the ideology of Islam and the religious spirit of the Muslims so thoroughly that Islam should never be able to rise again as a political force. That is why the Muslim People and the Muslim Countries are its primary targets.
The Zinjry has been employing an extremely cunning and effective strategy in a four-pronged offensive to crush the Muslim Countries.
Firstly, it has created through its agents severe sectarian, ethnic and social conflicts amongst the Muslims within each country.
Secondly, it has engineered deep divisiveness and mutual hostility between various Muslim Countries.
Thirdly, Zinjry has infiltrated into the leadership of various parties and groups in each Muslim country and has created its own puppets among them. It has then used selected puppets to take on a false Islamic cover and to enforce sham measures thereby bringing Islam into disrepute and making a mockery of it.
Fourthly, by means of powerful and widespread propaganda, the Zinjry has projected Islam as a great threat and danger to the non-Islamic people of the world thereby arousing animosity in them against the Muslims and Muslim Countries. In one of its most dreadful schemes, the Zinjry is engineering hostility and mutual clash between Christians and Muslims in every country in the world, wherever these two communities have been living so far in mutual peace and harmony. A worldwide Christian-Muslim clash, if successfully engineered by the Zinjry, will be devastating for the followers, practicing or non-practicing of the two religions. It will particularly harm the Muslim immigrants in the Western Countries and the Christian minorities in the Muslim Countries.
What the Zionist New World Order Means.
The NWO’s main features (i.e., the Zionist Global Goals) are indicated below:
1. Breaking up all major countries, including USA, China, India, Brazil and the Soviet Union, into Ethnic, Secular Cantons or Mini-states.
2. Combining the Mini-states into Regional Federations on Ethnic/Linguistic basis, and Governing them through the One-World Government of the United Nations.
3. Bringing about large-scale Population Shifts through Refugees, Employment-Seekers, Immigrants, Displaced Persons, etc, within/between countries to dilute the National spirit and to disrupt Social and Economic conditions within each country.
4. Eliminating the concept of Nationalism and Patriotism and replacing it with Internationalism and Globalism.
5. Privatizing National Industry, Banking, Public Services, and Utilities within each State, and linking the privatized industries/services to Jewish-controlled Multinationals.
6. Bringing State Economy, Budgeting, Commerce and all Development programs under International Organizations.
7. Sharply reducing or ending Military Capabilities (including Nuclear) of all States except Israel.
8. Exercising Central Control over World Economy, Finance, Commerce, Major Essential Commodities (e.g., Energy, Oil, Food), High Technology, Space Exploration, Armaments and R&D. Exercising Central Control over all Information dissemination through News Media and Publications.
9. Exercising Central Control over Global Intelligence, Spying, Terrorism, International Vice Rings and Drug Trade, and using these Instruments to Manipulate the regimes and the people in the States of the world.
10. Eliminating Traditional Difference between Virtue and Vice, and Spreading Zionistic Culture of Immorality, Vulgarity, Irreligiousness, Selfishness, and Money worship.
11. Discrediting the Religion of Islam, Maligning and Ridiculing it by various means, and Depicting it as impracticable in contemporary times.
12. Subverting and Ridiculing the Feminine Virtues and Overturning the Respected Status of Women. Exploiting young women and girls by Misleading them to be “Liberated” and to live and work Independently. Bringing more and more “Liberated Women” in top Political and Executive Positions in all countries especially the Muslim Countries.
13. Abolishing the Institutions of formal Marriage, Family togetherness and Home, and Taking young Children Away from Parental Care and Authority under the cunning strategy of Children’s Human Rights.
14. Expanding the Zionist State of Israel territorially, Enlarging its Jewish population by Ingathering of Jews, and making it the world’s number one power.
15. Placing Zionist Jews in Top Positions in the Regional Centres of Power and in the UN, and Turning the UN under the Zionist Jewry into the One-World Government.
Enforcement of the Zionist World Plot
The Zionist Jewry aims was to enforce most of its NWO by 1997. Until then it had keept on engineering many economic and political crises, acts of extreme terrorism and sabotage, interventions and wars, in order to bring about the changes as well as to maintain an environment of maximum insecurity, disorder and demoralization for the people in every country. If it succeeds in its aims, it may establish a kind of peace under its own global dictatorship. It will be obvious even from a casual analysis of the main current affairs that every major event promotes several of the Zinjry’s aims together at the same time. For example, the ongoing breakup of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Somalia is giving rise to flocks of Refugees, Ethnic tensions, Economic collapse, Corruption, and Immoral conduct.
Current Position
The Zinjry is unremittingly enforcing these goals that I had identified as early as September 1991. Its progress is phenomenal. Tragically, the people remain ignorant. Even the schemes of breakup of countries are steadily advancing. Britain is irreversibly set on the path of dissolution, with Scotland already having an independent parliament and Wales on the verge of having one. Groundwork for India’s breakup is in place. Its 29 states already function politically, economically and culturally as autonomous entities, disparate from the Center in New Delhi, and from each other. India’s federal structure will collapse with just one sharp jolt.
The 9/11 strikes were a big step in the Zinjry’s schemes to reshape the map of the United States. The events since then, including America’s ruinous entanglement in Afghanistan and Iraq, and widening of its internal divisions, have been further striking at the country’s roots.
Resources, Assets and Instruments
The Zinjry’s access to resources has a mystical element also. Just as the true men of God have the power of God behind them, similarly the disciples of Satan, who have dedicated themselves to defying God and spreading evil, are invested with the powers of Satan. This is not a conjecture but a reality. The Zionist International Jewry, as mentioned earlier, is “the party of Satan.” Thus, only they will vanquish it who are backed by the power of God.
Now, to the worldly aspect of the subject. The Zinjry, having acquired certain basic assets, has built up an enormous stock of resources, assets, and instruments. Most of these are identified below.
Inherent Zionist Traits
This is a primary asset, which has provided the Zinjry the building blocs for raising its evil structure for world dominance. Many notable sources, including the Talmud, and most notably the Old Testament and the Gospels, describe the inherent traits of the Zionist Jews. The most authoritative source is the Qur’an. Interestingly, the Protocols, a major source on this subject, corroborate what Qur’an depicts of the Zionist traits.
The traits identified are: cunning, deceit and treachery; spying; secretiveness; engineering enmity, conflicts and wars between nations; amassing gold, money and property; practicing usury, terrorism, ruthlessness, ungratefulness, arrogance; innate aptitude for make-believe, acting, imitation, disguise, forgery, hypocrisy, and for acquiring esoteric and occult knowledge and skills, including magic, sorcery, hypnotism, etc; indulgence in obscenity, incest, homosexuality, and other abominations; commitment to spreading every kind of vice, and moral and material corruption; deep hostility toward all righteous/God-fearing people, even if they are Jews; intense defiance toward God, and a penchant for capturing God’s powers.
All other communities too have people with wicked attributes, but they are no match to the Zionist Jews, neither do such people have the commitment in life, which the Zionists have, to bring the world under Zionism—the satanic system of life. But if such people ally themselves with the Zionist Jews then they do become Zionists in thought and character.

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