Thursday, April 2, 2015

God's message to humanity

God's message to humanity
All are lost except those whom I guide
"O My servants, I have forbidden injustice certainly for me, and forbid among you, so do not be unjust with you. O My servants, all are lost (diverted) except those whom I guide. Therefore, seek my guidance and I will orientarei. O My servants, all of you are hungry, but those that I eat. So, ask me the power and I will feed them. O My servants, all of you are naked except who I wear, so ask to Me and I will give clothes to wear. O My servants, you commit fouls day and night, and I forgive all sins, so ask forgiveness to me and I will forgive you. O My servants, not harm me nor benefit Me. O My slaves, if the first of you and the last, the human of you and the jinn were all pious in the heart of the most pious among you, this does not add anything to my kingdom. O My slaves, if the chief among you, and the last, the human of you and the jinn were all depraved heart more libertine and depraved among you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything. O My slaves, if the first of you and the last, human and jinn, were in one place me praying, and I this for each of your request, not decrease it than I possess except as decreases the needle when introduced into the ocean. O My servants, only your deeds that computation and then the recompense. And who find the good that thank Allah, and who find that otherwise do not blame but himself. "
God emphasizes justice and Islam condemns and prohibits all forms of injustice and oppression. God, the Almighty, is the Most Just, is Him that all justice emanates. God has made unlawful oppression for Himself and His promise is true: many verses in the Qur'an testify to that.
"... For thy Lord is not unjust to His servants." (Quran 41:46)
"God never wishes injustice to humanity." (Quran 3: 108)
"God does not frustrate anyone, not even the equivalent weight of an atom." (Quran 4:40)
God also made the oppression of any illegal type for humanity. Islam tells us that there are three kinds of oppression or injustice. The first is the injustice toward God, which is the association of partners with Him. The second is injustice in relation to ourselves, which is to commit sins and the third is to be unfair to other (humanity and other creatures). Islam is more than a religion, it is a code of practice. Follow Islam means that the rights conferred upon mankind by God are respected and maintained. Islam seeks justice for all creatures great and small.
"We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance in order to establish justice among men ..." (Quran 57:25)
Without guidance we are lost in continuous search for comfort. It is the most precious gift of God. Knowing this and understand the concepts of justice and forgiveness inherent to Islam enriches us and complete. Knowing that our purpose is to worship God frees us. The orientation enables a person to accept and be grateful for the blessings that God gives every second every day. Humanity depends on God, but God, however, need not of mankind. This hadith detailed gives us a clear understanding of our need for God. Next week we will discuss this topic and learn that nothing happens without God's permission.
God covers us with His mercy, but at the same time, reminds us that our strength comes only from Him. Whatever good we do is for our own benefit and any sins we commit are on our own detriment. Our behavior not the benefit of all. God is completely independent of His creation. If all human asked God for something and all requests were met it would not diminish anything His Kingdom, His power and His strength.
Every day in our prayers we ask God to guide us on the straight path, the path that leads directly to His mercy and forgiveness. At least seventy times a day Muslims repeat the words of the Koran opening chapter. We ask God guidance, recognizing that we worship only Him and seek only His help.
"Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe, Gracious, Most Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. Only to You we worship, and Thine aid we seek for! Guide us to the straight path, the path of those who agraciaste, not to the abhorred, nor of those lost "(Quran 1: 1-7).
God reminds us of a beautiful and sublime so that all the power and strength comes only from Him.
We are able to move and work, eat, drink and breathe; all our body functions and systems work in precise time. Our hearts beat and our blood circulates. All of these functions depend entirely on the will of God. If any stop working, no one can return it to normal except by the will of God.
God is the Creator of everything and has no needs. Does not need our obedience and our disobedience not The prejudice. No need to reward us if we obey. He chose to do this because of his generosity. The Quran tells us that we were created to worship God, but that does not mean that He needs our worship; no, on the contrary, it is we who need to worship Him. It is the remembrance of God do hearts find comfort.
"And I [God] did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (Quran 51:56)
"Verily, in the remembrance of God do hearts find comfort." (Quran 13:28)
All are lost except those whom I lead ... "this is a beautiful and comprehensive said of the Prophet Muhammad traditions. Emphasizes God's love for humanity, but also reminds us that we should be grateful for that love. We seek comfort and peace anywhere in this world, but never meet up to us to seek this in our relationship with God.

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