Thursday, April 2, 2015


Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful (4;36)
Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant (quran 2;222) ●
Imam Ghazzali رحمه الله has advised that one be mindful of three aspects when you see a sinner or when trying to engage someone towards virtues and prohibiting evil;
1. Focus on your past sins so that you consider yourself despicable and low in your own eyes.
2. The superiority which you enjoy over a sinner either in knowledge, beliefs or good deeds must be considered a mercy from Allah Ta'ala. Let it be known that it is not your achievement that you have attained respect but it is the sheer grace of Allah Ta'ala. If you admonish yourself in this way, you will be saved from being conceited.
3. How you will die or how the sinner will die is unknown to you. You should consume yourself in fear, afraid that you may die devoid of faith whilst having good thoughts that the sinner's end will be good. (Adapted from the teachings of Hazrat Muslihul Ummah رحمه الله)
Many of us are guilty of being judgemental in our approach to others. Even worse is that people are regarded with scorn and contempt.
Hazrat Shafeequl Ummah رحمه الله has stressed that the road to Allah Ta'ala is closed to the one who considers himself superior to another. For all those who enjoy superiority by virtue of being parents, teachers, employers or in the service of the various facets of Deen, etc should take note that we have absolutely no right to apportion any importance to ourselves. The only solution is humility, to consider yourself worthless and expressing gratitude unto Allah Ta'ala for having concealed your acts of transgression. May Allah Ta'ala save us from every form of arrogance and vanity.
آمين يا رب العالمين

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