Friday, April 17, 2015

Some sayings of the Salaf regarding praise/fame:

Some sayings of the Salaf regarding praise/fame:

Al-Kuraybi said, “They used to prefer that a man hide his righteous deeds, (to the extent), that his wife or anyone else wouldn't be aware of it. (Al-Siyar: 9/349)

Abu Hazim said, “Hide your good deeds more than you hide your bad deeds.” (Al-Musannaf: 7/195)

Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyad said, “Whosoever is saddened by loneliness and feels tranquil around the people, is not safe from riyaa.” (Al-Siyar: 8/436)

Sa'eed ibn Al-Haddad said, “Nothing hinders from the path of Allah like seeking praise and status.” (Al-Siyar: 14/214)

Sufyan ath-Thawri said, “Safety is that you don't desire to be known.” (Al-Siyar: 7:257)

Bishr ibn al-Harith said, “The (person) that loves fame has not feared Allah. Don't act in order to be mentioned, and hide your good deeds like you hide your bad ones.” (Al-Siyar: 10/476)

May Allah make us among the sincere ones and may He purify our hearts from seeking praise and being affected by it.

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