Sunday, December 6, 2015

Lailani from USA

"I have been wearing hijab since my conversion to Islam 12 years ago. Recently, I have embraced the Niqab (face veil). I love wearing it.
Yes, I get stares and some snide comments. But I try to let people know that I'm a person just like them and smile so they see it and strike up a conversation. This way, they don't feel uncomfortable and do acts of charity. This surprises them.
I'm even close with my Catholic neighbors who have not passed judgment because of my religion and my veil. I help them when I can. At work is a different story. Although I do not remove my hijab, I do have to remove my niqab for security. This I have accepted. My co-workers have seen me off campus without it and know this is who I am. I told them "just greet me when you see me. I'm still me, just veiled."
My hijab and niqab is my worship to Allah. I only aim to please Him. I pray Allah will accept this from me and make me strong in being obedient to Him. Ameen." - Lailani from USA

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