Saturday, June 14, 2014

Give Salaams & Seek Permission

Photo: Muslims are obliged to give salaams and seek permission before entering other people’s houses.  Huzayl (radiAllahu anhu) said, “A man came to the Prophet’s (pbuh) door, stood facing it and asked permission to enter. When the Prophet (pbuh) came out, he said to him, “Stand away from it! Stand to this side or that.  For surely seeking permission is to prevent the unlawful look.” [Abu Dawud] #Islam

Muslims are obliged to give salaams and seek permission before entering other people’s houses. Huzayl (radiAllahu anhu) said, “A man came to the Prophet’s (pbuh) door, stood facing it and asked permission to enter. When the Prophet (pbuh) came out, he said to him, “Stand away from it! Stand to this side or that. For surely seeking permission is to prevent the unlawful look.” [Abu Dawud]

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