Thursday, July 31, 2014

Another miracle in the Quran , The Brain

Photo: another miracle in the holy quran 


For centuries it was thought that the frontal part of the human brain handled vision (simply because it is near the eyes). Today we know that this part handles speech, not vision. The part that handles vision turned out to be at the rear of the brain (enlarge image).

[Quran 96.16] A lying sinful forehead.
The Quran says that disbelievers will be dragged from there liar forehead, that is, the speech part where they utter lies is at the forehead. How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known that the front part of the brain does not handle vision?

another miracle in the Quran 


For centuries it was thought that the frontal part of the human brain handled vision (simply because it is near the eyes). Today we know that this part handles speech, not vision. The part that handles vision turned out to be at the rear of the brain (enlarge image).

[Quran 96.16] A lying sinful forehead.
The Quran says that disbelievers will be dragged from there liar forehead, that is, the speech part where they utter lies is at the forehead. How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known that the front part of the brain does not handle vision?

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