Thursday, July 31, 2014

Stop the war

By Nelson Mandela
Oh, people of world wide, we are speaking u as human, are you seeing Gaza? What happening day by day in Palestinian, if we hope peaceful life, then we have the right to do defense Israel terrorism. What we can do? Of course, we can do something.
For the sake of humanity, it is our humble request to all of worldwide people; please deactivate your Facebook account for at least 1 hour on this Friday.
Remember it is not deleting the account permanently, but merely deactivating which is temporary. All our data can be restored after re-login even on next minute. Once you can refer to Facebook help section for further information.
And it is also our humble request to all humanity, please write "PROTEST AGAINST ISRAEL"‟ in textbox that provided when you are going to deactivating account.
We know that Respected Mr. Marc Zuckerberg from US, if we deactivate our Facebook account temporary, Mr. Zuckerberg can significantly influence the world opinion & particularly that of US.
We are not against any religions & not even Judaism, but against terrorism by state of Israel.
Again our humble request to all of humanity please spread this message to your friends who use Facebook account, may they are Muslims & Non- Muslims.
Even if war stops a day earlier, it can save at least hundred lives.
Please go to Facebook General Settings->deactivate, when click on Deactivate button, they will be ask, “Please let us know why you are Deactivating”, here select 'This is Temporary-i will be back'‟ & write on text box: “PROTEST AGAINST ISRAEL”
For The Sake of Humanity

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