Thursday, November 13, 2014


They said: O Shu'aib! does your prayer enjoin you that we should forsake what our fathers worshipped or that we should not do what we please with regard to our property? Forsooth you are the forbearing, the right-directing one. {Surat Hūd (Hud) : 87}
Rashîd refers primarily to being directed to, or set upon, the appointed right path with supreme certainty of the intended outcome, while Hâdî refers primarily to the continuing guidance, leadership and direction that is kindly provided to reach the path and also along the path until the goal is achieved.
The Right in Guidance is Allah's quality of leading one's disposition to its ultimate aim as a result of right ways-of-behaving without the advice of a counselor, the directions of a director, or the guidance of a guide. This one is Allah alone. Allah is the best of teachers, leading creatures towards the Straight Path and salvation. Allah never fails in wisdom or actions. Everything Allah does has a beneficial and clear purpose. The effectiveness of Allah as the Right in Guidance is such that everything is guided by Allah's .

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