Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Degrees of Patience

The Wonderful Library & Islamic Resource Center :: Sisters' Virtual Library :: The Muslimah's Private Library :: The Way to Patience and Gratitude

Degrees of Patience

Patience has various degrees according to how effective or weak it is in resisting whims and desires. There are three degrees of patience in this respect:

1- The religious incentive which has the power to suppress whims and desires. This can be attained by consistent patience. Whoever reaches such a level of self-control is victorious in this world and the next. They are the ones described by Allah as those,

{Who say, Our lord is Allah.}

They are also the ones whom angels will address at the moment of their death by saying,

{Fear not! Nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of the Garden (of Bliss), that which you were promised! We are your protectors in this life and in the Hereafter.}

(Fussilat:30 -31)

Moreover, they are the ones who win the companionship of Allah. They, undoubtedly , strive in the cause of Allah and therefore deserve Allah’s guidance.
Read the rest of this chapter here:
Degrees of Patience
Patience has various degrees according to how effective or weak it is in resisting whims and desires. There are three degrees of patience in this respect:
1- The religious incentive which has the power to suppress whims and desires. This can be attained by consistent patience. Whoever reaches such a level of self-control is victorious in this world and the next. They are the ones described by Allah as those,
{Who say, Our lord is Allah.}
They are also the ones whom angels will address at the moment of their death by saying,
{Fear not! Nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of the Garden (of Bliss), that which you were promised! We are your protectors in this life and in the Hereafter.}
(Fussilat:30 -31)
Moreover, they are the ones who win the companionship of Allah. They, undoubtedly , strive in the cause of Allah and therefore deserve Allah’s guidance.

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