Saturday, December 20, 2014

Different names of Glorious Quran.(Part 1)

Different names of Glorious Quran.(Part 1)

The below names can be found in the verses of Glorious Quran.

1. Al-Kitāb=The Book 
(2:1-2) (2:129) (2:151) (3:164) (4:127)
(4:136) (6:114) (7:196) (11:1) (14:1)
(15:1)(16:89) (18:1) (18:27) (19:16)
(19:41)(19:51) (19:54) (29:45) (29:51)
(35:29) (39:1) (39:2) (39:41) (40:1-2)
(42:17) ((43:1-2))

2. Mubīn=Luminous
(4:174/175) (5:15) (12:1-2) (27:1) ((43:1-2))

3. Al-Qur’ān =The Qur’ān
(2:185) (4:82) (6:19) (7:204) (9:111)
(10:37) (10:61) (15:87) (16: 98) (17:9)
(17:78) (17:82) (17:88) (20:1-2) (20:113)
(25:32) (27:6) (27:76) (27:92) (38:1)
(39:27) (46:29) (50:1) (54:17) (55:1-2)
((56:77)) (59:21) (72:1-2) (73:4) (73:20)

4. Karīm =Honourable, Noble ((56:77))

5. KalāmAllāh=The Word of Allāh ((9:6))

To be continued In Sha Allah.

Part 2 is located here:

Different names of Glorious Quran.(Part 1)
The below names can be found in the verses of Glorious Quran.
1. Al-Kitāb=The Book 
(2:1-2) (2:129) (2:151) (3:164) (4:127)
(4:136) (6:114) (7:196) (11:1) (14:1)
(15:1)(16:89) (18:1) (18:27) (19:16)
(19:41)(19:51) (19:54) (29:45) (29:51)
(35:29) (39:1) (39:2) (39:41) (40:1-2)
(42:17) ((43:1-2))
2. Mubīn=Luminous
(4:174/175) (5:15) (12:1-2) (27:1) ((43:1-2))
3. Al-Qur’ān =The Qur’ān
(2:185) (4:82) (6:19) (7:204) (9:111)
(10:37) (10:61) (15:87) (16: 98) (17:9)
(17:78) (17:82) (17:88) (20:1-2) (20:113)
(25:32) (27:6) (27:76) (27:92) (38:1)
(39:27) (46:29) (50:1) (54:17) (55:1-2)
((56:77)) (59:21) (72:1-2) (73:4) (73:20)
4. Karīm =Honourable, Noble ((56:77))
5. KalāmAllāh=The Word of Allāh ((9:6))

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