Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Allah calls Himself Al-Mawlaa— The Master, The Protector

Allah calls Himself Al-Mawlaa— The Master, The Protector— on 11 occasions in the Quran. Al-Mawlaa is the only one who is truly in control and who provides the most perfect support in each situation. He is the one who is near to us, as both our patron and ally, He is our ultimate back-up and His help is the only we seek!
A beautiful phrase in the Quran
Allah ‘azza wa jall mentions a beautiful phrase of dhikr in the Quran:
But if they turn away – then know that Allah is your protector. Excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper [Quran, 8:40] This phrase: ni’mal Mawlaa wa ni’mal Naseer – refers to the fact that Allah is the excellent Protector and excellent Helper. The same wordings are used in another ayah:  He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper [Quran, 22:78]
Several factors account for this serenity, among them is the believers' awareness that Allah hears every prayer, knows every good deed performed to earn His good pleasure, and that He will reward all of them bountifully. Another source of this feeling of security is their awareness of Allah's support with invisible armies and angels, as proclaimed in: 
“Everyone has a succession of angels in front of him and behind him, guarding him by Allah's command...” ( es qv11)Surat ar-Ra‘d, 13:11) This aside, believers know that they will triumph in their struggle carried out in Allah's way, are given the good news of Paradise , and that Allah does not place an unbearable burden upon their shoulders. Believing in destiny and that Allah directs all affairs, they put their trust only in Allah. In the Qur'an, Allah calls attention to this state of mind, as follows:

Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala is the Patron of believers and when Allah becomes someone’s intimate friend that person cannot have any fears or anxieties. All his matters are resolved and tasks accomplished. Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala removes poverty and affliction from him and makes him independent of people. To such people, Allah is sufficient.

Ya Allah Help us, Protect us ,,,Ya Allah forgive us.

Allah calls Himself Al-Mawlaa— The Master, The Protector— on 11 occasions in the Quran. Al-Mawlaa is the only one who is truly in control and who provides the most perfect support in each situation. He is the one who is near to us, as both our patron and ally, He is our ultimate back-up and His help is the only we seek!
A beautiful phrase in the Quran
Allah ‘azza wa jall mentions a beautiful phrase of dhikr in the Quran:
But if they turn away – then know that Allah is your protector. Excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper [Quran, 8:40] This phrase: ni’mal Mawlaa wa ni’mal Naseer – refers to the fact that Allah is the excellent Protector and excellent Helper. The same wordings are used in another ayah: He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper [Quran, 22:78]
Several factors account for this serenity, among them is the believers' awareness that Allah hears every prayer, knows every good deed performed to earn His good pleasure, and that He will reward all of them bountifully. Another source of this feeling of security is their awareness of Allah's support with invisible armies and angels, as proclaimed in:
“Everyone has a succession of angels in front of him and behind him, guarding him by Allah's command...” ( es qv11)Surat ar-Ra‘d, 13:11) This aside, believers know that they will triumph in their struggle carried out in Allah's way, are given the good news of Paradise , and that Allah does not place an unbearable burden upon their shoulders. Believing in destiny and that Allah directs all affairs, they put their trust only in Allah. In the Qur'an, Allah calls attention to this state of mind, as follows:
Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala is the Patron of believers and when Allah becomes someone’s intimate friend that person cannot have any fears or anxieties. All his matters are resolved and tasks accomplished. Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala removes poverty and affliction from him and makes him independent of people. To such people, Allah is sufficient.
Ya Allah Help us, Protect us ,,,Ya Allah forgive us.

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