Monday, January 5, 2015

"Eat and drink, but be not excessive".

Allaah says in Surah al-Araaf, Ayaah 31

"Eat and drink, but be not excessive".


Ibn Kathir and Suyooti report that one of the salaf said about this ayaah that Allah has combined all of medicine (at-tibb) in half a verse “And eat and drink and be not excessive…”.

Al-Qurtubi relates that a christian physician used to say to Ali bin Hasan 'There is not in your Quran anything of the knowledge of medicine, so he said to him “Allah has combined all of medicine in half a verse in our Book.” So he said, “What is it?” He said “The saying of Allah 'And eat and drink and be not excessive'.

- Tafsir ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tibb an-Nabi

Allaah says in Surah al-Araaf, Ayaah 31
"Eat and drink, but be not excessive".
Ibn Kathir and Suyooti report that one of the salaf said about this ayaah that Allah has combined all of medicine (at-tibb) in half a verse “And eat and drink and be not excessive…”.
Al-Qurtubi relates that a christian physician used to say to Ali bin Hasan 'There is not in your Quran anything of the knowledge of medicine, so he said to him “Allah has combined all of medicine in half a verse in our Book.” So he said, “What is it?” He said “The saying of Allah 'And eat and drink and be not excessive'.
- Tafsir ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tibb an-Nabi

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