Monday, January 5, 2015

Leaving the Correct Path Occurs in Two Ways:-

Leaving the Correct Path Occurs in Two Ways : Sharhu Sunnah by Imam Barbaharee [d. 329 H]

Points discussed by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan and Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee hafizahumAllaah in this excerpt include:

Leaving the correct path occurs in one of two ways:

    The first is one who leaves the correct path but only intends good
        He did not seek knowledge from the correct place and is heading for destruction
        Following him in his error knowingly is a path leading to destruction
        He should be advised privately (if he is not calling to his error)
    The second one leaves the correct path deliberately, obstinately and knowing the Truth
        He wishes to mislead the people and he is a devil
        The devil misleads people from the Straight Path (aayah and hadeeth mentioned as proof)
        It is obligatory to warn against this person otherwise he will fool the people
        This is the role of the knowledge-based refutations, rudood
        Clarifying the Truth is a trust and responsibility Allaah placed upon the scholars
        Remaining silent about those who mislead the people is hiding the Truth

[Click Here to Read or Download PDF] – 8 Pages
Translated By Abu Talha Dawood Burbank (rahimahullaah)
Leaving the Correct Path Occurs in Two Ways : Sharhu Sunnah by Imam Barbaharee [d. 329 H]
Points discussed by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan and Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee hafizahumAllaah in this excerpt include:
Leaving the correct path occurs in one of two ways:
The first is one who leaves the correct path but only intends good
He did not seek knowledge from the correct place and is heading for destruction
Following him in his error knowingly is a path leading to destruction
He should be advised privately (if he is not calling to his error)
The second one leaves the correct path deliberately, obstinately and knowing the Truth
He wishes to mislead the people and he is a devil
The devil misleads people from the Straight Path (aayah and hadeeth mentioned as proof)
It is obligatory to warn against this person otherwise he will fool the people
This is the role of the knowledge-based refutations, rudood
Clarifying the Truth is a trust and responsibility Allaah placed upon the scholars
Remaining silent about those who mislead the people is hiding the Truth

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