Sunday, February 1, 2015

Husband can discipline his wife (Hadith):

Husband can discipline his wife (Hadith):

This is another important part of the verse (Aayah No. 34, Surah An-Nisa’) which has been misinterpreted widely. Muslim men take the ruling of this verse as an excuse for physically assaulting their wives. Their ignorance and support from some incompetent scholars lead to raised eyebrows and Islam being wrongly portrayed as a religion that promotes male chauvinism. Let us try to understand this ruling in a correct manner.

It is mentioned that if the conduct of wife is bad i.e. she is doing acts which are affecting the peace of the family, trying to revolt against the husband unnecessarily, not respecting her parents-in-law, not obeying her husband’s genuine wishes etc., the husband is supposed to try talk to her and persuade her to make the things amicable. This is the first thing that he is supposed to do. But if this step fails to convince his wife and she keeps doing her ill-conduct, he should stop sharing bed with her i.e. stop making physical relations with her, as a means of expressing his annoyance and admonishing her. If this is able to solve the problem, then it is fine; but if still the lady does not comes to peace, then Allah has given the right to the husband to beat her i.e. physically hit her, to settle the problems and bring the lady to discipline.

Now a word apiece to both genders:

Why do women feel bad by this ruling? Are they of the opinion that they be allowed to do whatever they want to do, irrespective of how bad effects their conduct might have on the families? 

And men should understand that hitting their wives is the last option. There are two other steps to be observed before resorting to hitting your wife. It is not correct as per Islam to jump on to the third option straightaway and use this verse of Qur’an to your excuse. Plus, men should remember that if at all the third and last resort is to be used, then three conditions are to be observed:

a. Do not hit her on face.

b. Do not disgrace and abandon her in public.

c. Hit her lightly; you can’t flog her like flogging a slave.

Narrated Abdullah bin Zam’a: The Prophet (PBUH) said, “None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day.”
(Hadith No. 5204, Book of Nikah, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7).

Clearly, it is only light beating that is allowed, that too as a last resort, if someone feels that can be helpful. But the moment a lady realizes her mistake and agrees to reconcile and make the things peaceful, the husband has no right to beat her anymore.

I request all husbands to understand this ruling of Islam and not to misuse it.

Husband can discipline his Wife (Hadith):
This is another important part of the verse (Aayah No. 34, Surah An-Nisa ') which has been misinterpreted widely. Muslim men take the ruling of this verse as an excuse for physically assaulting their wives. Their ignorance and support from some incompetent scholars lead to raised eyebrows and Islam being wrongly portrayed as a religion that promotes male chauvinism. Let us try to understand this ruling in a correct manner. 
It is mentioned that if the conduct of wife is bad ie she is doing acts which are affecting the peace of the family, trying to revolt against the husband unnecessarily, not respecting her parents-in-law, not obeying her husband's genuine wishes etc. , the husband is supposed to try talk to her and persuade her to make the things amicable. This is the first thing that he is supposed to do. But if this step fails to convince his wife and she keeps doing her ill-conduct, he should stop sharing bed with her ie stop making physical relations with her, as a means of expressing his annoyance and admonishing her. If this is able to solve the problem, then it is fine; but if still the lady does not comes to peace, then Allah has given the right to the husband to beat her ie physically hit her, to settle the problems and bring the lady to discipline.
Now a word apiece to both genders:
Why do women feel bad by this ruling? Are they of the opinion that they be allowed to do whatever they want to do, irrespective of how bad effects their conduct might have on the families?
And men should understand that hitting their wives is the last option. There are two other steps to be observed before resorting to hitting your wife. It is not correct as per Islam to jump on to the third option straightaway and use this verse of Qur'an to your excuse. Plus, men should remember that if at all the third and last resort is to be used, then three conditions are to be observed:
a. Do not hit her on face.
b. Do not disgrace and abandon her in public.
c. Hit her lightly; you can not flog her like flogging a slave.
Abdullah bin Zam'a narrated: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "None of you shouldnt flog his Wife as he Flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her ​​in the last part of the day."
(Hadith No. 5204, Book of Nikah, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7).
Clearly, it is only light beating that is allowed, that too as a last resort, if someone feels that can be helpful. But the moment a lady realizes her mistake and agrees to reconcile and make the things peaceful, the husband has no right to beat her anymore.
I request all husbands to understand this ruling of Islam and not to misuse it.

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