Wednesday, April 1, 2015


MashaAllah, there are so many sisters out there who genuinely love to wear the Niqab but are afraid of wearing it for fear of what people might say. To these sisters, here are a few words of advice:
If you have made the intention of wearing the Niqab, Allah will help you- despite your family's or societies disapproval. What is our purpose in life? To worship none but Allah and this also means to be obedient first and foremost to Allah. The moment you start considering the Niqab, ask yourself just one question: Who should I please- Allah or people?
Once you make that decision, you can follow whether you ought to wear the Niqab or not.
I know sisters, saying it is easy enough. But you know what? Allah can make the difficult easy and the easy difficult. Everything is in His Hands and so long as we place our trust in Him, He and He alone will suffice for us.
“And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) and He will provide him from sources he never could imagine” [Sura At-Talaaq 65:2-3]
My dear sisters, isn't this guarantee from Allah good enough for us? It's true, we might have to face some difficulties, but those will only be tests of Imaan, Taqwa and patience.
Those sisters whose family are not supportive of their wearing the Niqab, I can only give you consolation from this beautiful Hadith:
Prophet Muhammad sallahau alaihi wasallam says:
Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah (SWT) at the risk of displeasing the people, Allah (SWT) will take care of him and protect him from them. But whoever seeks the pleasure of the people at the risk of displeasing Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) will abandon him to the care of the people."
Reported by Tirmidhi, 4/34, at the end of the section on zuhd; it is a hasan hadith.
This is another great guarantee for us- your family might not accept your Niqab, but if you do it for earning only the pleasure of Allah, even if it costs you your family's displeasure, remember that Allah will make those who were displeased with you, pleased with you, In Sha Allah. Believe in that, accept it and rely on that.
The Hadith mentioned above is a real proof to an incident. A sister I know of really wanted to wear the Niqab but her Mother wouldn't permit her to do so. But MashaAllah, this sister's courage and determination to wear the Niqab was so strong that despite her mother's disapproval, she wore it. Of course, at first her mother scolded her and she had to go through some problems, but do you know what- when Allah wants to help someone, no one and nothing can stop Him. If we are determined on pleasing Allah, He will suffice for us and like that Quranic verse above mentions, "He will make a way for him to get out of every difficulty". So this mother who hated the Niqab, started to admire it after some time, the same women who disapproved of her daughter's Niqab approved of it and in time, her mother became a Niqabi too. Subhanallah!
This story, I'm sure, would be a great source of inspiration for those sisters who are facing difficulties from their families who disapprove of the Niqab. Like I said at the beginning of this post- weigh your options- Please Allah or please people? Through your wearing the Niqab, who knows, you might even inspire your family members who are reluctant of it to wear it someday too, In Sha Allah. And if they do so, you'll be rewarded for it too!
Remember sisters, on the Day of Judgment, it's only you that is going to matter. All the opinion of those around you matter only here- but in the Aakhira we'll come to realize that nothing but Allah's opinion matters. If we realize this fact in this Dunya itself, we can, In Sha Allah, live the live of a true Muslim and a true Mu'min.
Take the decision that matters. Take the decision that will help you in the Aakhira. Take the decision that will bring for you the Pleasure of Allah.

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