Sunday, April 5, 2015

Marilyn Mornington is a District Judge in England, Convert to Islam

Marilyn Mornington is a District Judge in England, an international lecturer, and writer on family law including domestic violence.
She was a recipient of a scholarship in Notre Dame Convent and obtained her LLB (law degree) from Sheffield University, being the 6th in the Bar Finals of 1976. She started practicing Family Law in Liverpool in 1976. In 1994, she was appointed as District Judge in Birkenhead, Liverpool, and was the first Barrister to be appointed as a District Judge at the age of 40.
She was elected as a fellow of World Academy of Arts & Science. She is highly respected in the field of Family Violence and holds the following positions:
- Chair, Northern Circuit DomesticViolence Group, which has over 800 members from all over the UK and overseas
- Chair, Inter-Governmental Initiative on Domestic Violence 'Raising the Standards'
- Member, Lord Chancellor's Advisory Group on Domestic Violence
- Member, Family Justice Council
- Member, Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), Domestic Violence Steering Group
- Chair, Working Group on the Interface between the Civil and Criminal Justice Systems
- Chair, Kids in Need and Distress (KIND)
- Honorary Patron, Community & District Nursing Association, advising on elder abuse and nursing; since 1995
- Chair, Wirral Domestic Violence Forum
- Patron, Wirral Children and Women's Refuge, 1995-2002.

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