Monday, March 7, 2016

And Establish Salaah...

Some of you may say,
"I've been praying and I still doing fahsha and munkar..."
It says 'establish the salaah', you're not establishing the salaah, you're just praying...
["Allahu akbar" - you're praying like a chicken, you're not completing the ruku properly, and pecking in your sujud, "Allahu akbar"]
Peck= bobbing one's head down toward the ground, without actually touching the ground. I'm talking about going into and coming out of both ruku and sujood so fast, that it look like you were pecking. You gotta be calm and relaxed in all these positions. No one bobbles their heads up and down. People who perfom salaah at high speed. Where is the khushoo'?
Thus you're not establishing the salaah...
Allah the Almighty says: "wa aqim as-salaah..."
No! Pray like the way that the Prophet ﷺ prayed
The word ‘Iqamah’ has a special meaning, implying the proper, i.e. the best performing of Salah.
The salah is going to help you stop evil but the way how you praying... if you praying and you still doing evil then that means something is wrong with your salaah !
Shall I tell you something that will really help you do it?
wa la-dhikru-llahi akbar - And the remembrance of Allah is Greater

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