Friday, May 27, 2016

Nazia Kaisar, Bangladesh

Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of decency and modesty. Dress code is part of that overall teaching. I might not be perfect, but thinks I am worthy of being a Muslim (Alhamdulillah). I started practicing and studying more about Islam. I soon found out about the obligation of hijab. At first, I was very worried about what people would think if I suddenly started wearing a scarf on my head. I kept on making Dua’a for Allah to help me to wear the Hijab. Then slowly I realized that what other people thought didn't matter, and what really mattered was what Allah thought of me.
I felt more comfortable with the other Muslim women. I quickly began making more friends and adjusting into a community of righteous Allah-fearing women Masha‘Allah. May Allah Swt accept all we do for Him and keep us sincere. - Nazia Kaisar, Bangladesh

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