Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Grand list of biadah's commonly found in Asian sub continent:(Part:2)

Grand list of bidah's commonly found in Asian sub-continent ::(Part-2)
6. Hiring people for reading Quran in order to benefit the dead and blowing over the food after recitation, and sharing that food with people on the death anniversary of a person.
7. Praying four rakat before the fard (farz) of jummah prayers.
8. Making group dua at the end of salah . (We can not find any referece where after each salah the prophet make a dua and the sahaba will repeat Ameen after him. Post salah zikr and individual duas are found in the authentic narrations).
9. Making group chanting of kalmatul ikhlas at the end of each salah. (Sunnah is to stay Allahu-Akbar, Asta ghferullah, and other masnoon duas, including kalima on personal basis) .
10. Doing a total of three khutbas for jumma. One in urdu and two in Arabic.

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