Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Grand list of biadah's commonly found in Asian sub continent:(Part:3)

Grand list of biadah's commonly found in Asian sub continent:(Part:3)
May Allah protect us from all types of innovations !
11. Celebrating Urs yearly (festival of saints)
12. Sacrificing animals in the name of saints.
13. Praying or supplicating to the dead , the saints, or anyone else besides Allah.(This includes slogans like ya Ali, ya Hussain and the likes)
14. Making up for missed salahs that were missed during the state of being a child or a non-muslim .
15. Saying out loud the intention for prayers .
16. Making monuments and graves. Making solid graves (throug bricks and stones)
17. Moruning the first ten days of Muhrram by not having marriage ceremonies or by mourning the martyrs of Karbala.
18. Doing khutbah before eid prayers. 19. Believing that Allah is everywhere (Numerous verses of Quran and narrations from hadith clearly mentioned that Allah is above His throne e-g (Sura - Taha, Verse-5)
20. Shaking hands with the on the left and the right after finishing every salah . . . 

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