Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Grand list of bidah's commonly found in Asian sub-continent (Part-4) :

Part -4
Grand list of bidah's commonly found in Asian sub-continent :
May Allah protect us from all type of innovations !!!!!!!
21. Kissing thumbs upon hearing the name of the prophetﷺ .
22. Visiting shrines of the saints.
23. Sending salam on the prophet ﷺ out loud and as as group after every salah, especially after salatul jummah.
24. Wiping the hands on the back of the neck while doing ablution(wudu).
This practice can not be found in the authentic ahadees.
25. Praying nawafil on eid day before eid prayers.
26. Believing that there are prophets or messengers after Muhammad ﷺ .
27. Believing that saints , prophets , or other people share characteristics of Allah. Such as believing that saints can give life , or that they hold keys to the material treasures of heaven and earth. This includes believing that the prophet had complete and absolute knowledge of the unseen.
28. Belief that the prophet was created from light the Noor (Light) of Allah.
29. Believing that the whole world and every and everything in it was created for the prophet Muhammad ﷺ . (Refrence to Quran 51:56)
30. Believing that those who achieve the high level of rightous through piety (like saints) no longer need to follow the guidelines of sharia.

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