Monday, March 7, 2016

Knowledge is the key

The more you know about the enemy (Shaitān), his ways, his means, in which he misleads you the more you can save yourself from him... the key is knowledge!
Learn that your heart is like a fortress and this fortress is surrounded by a wall. The heart is kept inside the chest/breast and the wall is the chest...
The area where Shaitān is fighting you is your heart.
Shaitān wants your heart, he wants to occupy your heart. He's after that limb. The heart is like the central processing unit.
He doesn't want your hand, he doesn't want your feet. Because if he gets the heart he can command the hand and the feet.
Al-Ladhī Yuwaswisu Fī quloobi (hearts) nas?? 
Al-Ladhī Yuwaswisu Fī Şudūri (chests) An-Nās ✔ ("Who whispers in the breasts of mankind, ) [Qur'ān 114:5]
Shaitān starts the fight from the chest he doesn't whisper directly straight to the heart. Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala, has given you a protected heart. The heart arounded there is a wall. He cannot cross or break through that wall without you allowing him.
But there is a problem with that wall, there gates in it and breaches. You may find in that wall a weak brick that Shaitān can knock and break into it and enter or maybe your gate keeper is not watching the gate. So he can enter from the two areas gates and breaches.
And your reasoning (intellect) occupies that fortress. We believe as Muslims our (spiritual) brain is in our hearts. That this is good and this is bad.
And angels has free access to that fortress. Angels do not need the permission (from you), anytime they go in and out.
And there is a little building where all your desires live, whatever you desire resides there in that building. And like the angels has free access to the fortress, the devils has free access to that little building of your desires next to the wall. They are always there.
And there is a war between those who inhabit that little place next to the wall and those who inhabit the fortress (angels)...
The moment that you let your guards down he gets in but the moment you wake up and say:
"A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim!"
He runs out!
The problem now if he goes in there and stays for a while, THAT IS THE BIG PROBLEM. When Shaitān gets into the heart and captures the heart..
Don't you read their bodies are the bodies of the humans but their hearts are like the hearts of the Shayātin? That's because Shaitān got there.
This guy wakes up in the morning being evil, he becomes a human Shaitān. Shaitān got into that zone.
The battle ground is your nafs. Shaitān enters in you from your hawa (whims and desires). The different desires are the gates. Those are the gates Shaitān enters from.
Some people are into women, some are into money, some desire fame, power, etc..
Ignorance is death. Why? When you don't learn about Allah , your Deen, when you don't learn about these things your heart dies.
Thus Shaitān wants you to be ignorant.

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