Monday, March 7, 2016

Something you should do...

By Allah, haraam that you don't do this for your children. Ibn Abbaas (radhi Allahu anhu) said the Prophet ﷺ used to put his hands and hold Hassan and Hussein (his grandchildren) and would say:
U’eethukumaa bikalimaatil-laahit-taam-mati min kulli shaitaanin wa haam-matin, wa min kulli ‘ainin laammatin
(I ask the protection of Allah by the virtue of His most perfect Names on you to protect you from every devil, from every evil, haam-ma from every animal that may harm you, wa min kulli ‘ainin laamma - and every envious eye).
He ﷺ said that this is how your father Ibrahim used to seek refuge for his two sons Ishaaq and Ismaeel.
[Collected by Bukhari & Tirmidhi with the extra wording, authenticated by Albaani]

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